Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Economy assignment ( apply econmoinc rational for health services) Essay

Economy assignment ( apply econmoinc rational for health services) - Essay Example Empowering the public through provision of goods includes provisions for vaccines and other preventive tools that the public can use, independently or with the help of care personnel, to reduce chances of infections. Similarly, the government can employ services to educate the public on possible self-base care that reduces prevalence of disease and infections towards a healthy society. All these initiatives involve economic concepts of generation of goods and services, their transfer and a final application to ensure achievement of healthcare goals. The most applicable economic tools that identify significance of the government’s role and how such a role should be played are scarcity of resources, and monopoly as a market structure (Folland, Goodman and Stano, 2012). Scarcity that defines limited supply of resources relative to demand is a universal factor among resources. The sensitivity of healthcare however demands that such a scarcity be overcome by ensuring that necessary resources are put in place for a healthy society. Consequently, the government should use its capacity to ensure availability of resources for healthcare preventive measures, resources that would otherwise be very scarce if left in the hands of the private sector. The necessary goods and services for educating and empowering the public would therefore be expensive due to market forces of demand and supply. The scarcity of healthcare resources and necessity of such needs therefore demands that the government provides the required goods and services, directly or indirectly, to ensure that the resources are available and are affordable for preventive measures (Folland, Goodman and Stano, 2012). Even though monopoly ensures quality, the lack of competition may lead to delays in supply. As a result, the government should promote a competitive market for the supply of intellectual services and goods for

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Money Makes The World Go Round English Literature Essay

Money Makes The World Go Round English Literature Essay The quotation money makes the world go round was first used in a musical play Cabaret, it was written in the 1960s. the play was a melancholy one, in one of the songs the female lead expresses her wish for love, the male protagonist replies with this line in the song. The main aim of this line was to say that it is money that makes the world turn, not nobility or love. It highlights the fact that our society is heavily dependent on money.  [1]  Charles Dickens further stresses this point in his novel Dombey and Son where Paul asks his father about the powers of money. Hisfather replies it can do everything, little Paul then intelligently questions his dad as to why money did not save his mother. Charles Dickens very clearly portrays both sides of the argument. The phrase basically means that everything in this world would stop without money. To some extent this statement is true because without money you cannot afford a shelter on your head, have food, go from point A to point B, etc. It is often said that money can take you places, in many instances it proves true because money can and often does open up many doors for a person. However, in todays world we are all too preoccupied with the notion of acquiring wealth, so much so that other aspects of life that are equally important are neglected. The main reason behind this is our distorted view of success. The word success is usually taken to mean material success; the more the money the more successful one is. This includes the amount of money one earns, the type of car he drives or the size of his house. The importance of money becomes very clear when a person has no money, Money for a poor person is everything, it becomes very important for him to earn so that he can fulfill his basic needs. However, recently everyone has become consumption oriented. We want to buy anything that is new on the market and catches our interest and we are falling prey to the attractive packaging and advertisiments of a product. Thus we buy things that we have little need for which in turn makes us want more money. Money enables us to afford a better quality of life; more money means bigger and better houses and cars, better quality products, better entertainment etc. Another advantage is less stress in paying bills and other household expenses. Money may also allow a person to persue his dreams, for example a person who wants to attain higher education may not be able to without money. Literature also supports this in many places, one such example is where Charles Dickens in another Novel A Christmas Carol  [2]  shows how love is pushed aside for money. This happens when young Ebenzer Scrooge had made a promise to a girl Belle to provide for her, however Belle chooses a crooked businessman Jacob as he offers her a quick gain of fortune to the girl. A number of quotations from the book the great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald  [3]  also highlight the importance of money. One such quote mentioned the effect that money has on Gatsby when he is unable to even speak in front of Daisy Buchnan as he gets intimidated by her wealth. This shows how wealth encompasses every aspect of our lives, so much so that it even reflects in the voice and mannerisms of a person. Another description from the same book is about a character Tom whose wealth has given him a lot of power. It allows him to treat others how ever he likes and his elitist nature also makes him condescending towards other people. Thus another thought is that wealth gives one power. Money may be a motivator it influences human activity from geological exploration to politics. Money itself may not be evil, it is the greed for money that becomes the root of evil. Despite popular arguments I believe that money does not make the world go around. we have created the monster and allowed it to take over and control our lives.  [4]  Even though money does have some importance in our lives as every aspect of our lives revolves around money, but if we tried to be content with less we may not face such dependency. The variety of products that we are faced with makes it very difficult for us to be content with what we have. We have made money so central to our lives that we place it above life and even happiness. This never ending pursuit of money has made the society a selfish one. People forget that there are many things that money cant buy. A Chinese proverb summarizes this argument very well by saying that money can buy a house but it cannot make a home, that it can not buy time, sleep knowledge, health, respect and a good life only the material aspects can be bought but not ones that come from within. Stephen R. Covey in his book seven habits of highly effective people also mentions that some of us tend to be centered around money and so our sense of security and happiness is directly related to how much money we have and since its human nature to never be satisfied with what one has he is likely to remain unhappy most of the time. Even a huge increase in wealth is unlikely to satisfy such a person. For this purpose we need to alter our centres to what we really want at the end of our lives. Money can buy a lot of things but it cannot buy good health, respect, love, inner peace etc as these only come from good principles. A person can have million in his bank account but still feel poor because he is not content with his life, more money gives him only minimal satisfaction. Security come from within from knowing that what you have is enough for you to be happy, it comes from believing in your self. All of us tend to think that happiness comes from outside i.e. through money. A short story that supports this notion is A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote it is the story of a child who does not get anything for Christmas except handed down and worn out except for a kite but he is still satisfied and goes out to fly it. In another instance was when the family was offered money for a new Christmas tree but they refused it believing that their old tree was more precious and nothing could replace it. Both these examples reflect the importance of contentment and satisfaction ove r money. One important error that we make is that we equate money with success, this is not true. Success can be divided into 8 categories, these are: health, personal needs, family, career, spiritual, financial and community. To be truly successful you need to be more than just financially successful. There have been many cases whereby a rich man was unable to spend all his fortune due to his health and died despite his accumulated wealth. Such a man cannot be called wealthy as all that he accumulated was left behind, and it was not able to help him when he needed help the most. Thus a rich person who lacks in other aspect of life is as good as being poor. Let us not get carried away with the idea of acquiring wealth and money and fail to consider other aspects of our life.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Nuclear Power :: essays research papers

The world's natural resources are being consumed at an alarming rate. As these resources diminish , people will be seeking alternative sources by which to generate electricity for heat and light . The only practical short term solution for the energy-crisis is nuclear power. Nuclear power, however is not as safe as burning coal, gas or oil in a factory it is in fact, much more dangerous, There are dangers associated with a nuclear power plant which far out weigh the benefits to society as a whole and in part to the community living and working around the power plant . About 20 percent of our nation's total electrical consumption per year is supplied by nuclear power from the 100 or so nuclear power plants throughout the country . Even though atomic power has been in use for over 50 years it was primarily a tool of war and destruction when the war ended need for atomic bombs diminished . The scientists who created the weapons were out of jobs . They then turned this destructive power into huge plants generating "clean and cheap " electricity for the country . It was called progress. Progress also brought with it sickness , mutations , cancer and eventually death to those exposed to high levels of radiation . Government declared that nuclear power is safe and efficient . Also have big Oil corporations who have a lot of money invested in nuclear power and want to see as many plants as possible put into and kept in operation . The truth is that accidents do happen at nuclear power plants and at other facilities all the time . An accident at a nuclear power plant has the potential to be much more devastating than an accident at a coal or gas plant because of the radiation that could be released . An example of this is Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania where there was a partial core meltdown in march of 1979 and an "acceptable" amount of radiation escaped into the atmosphere . However no amount of radiation is acceptable if released as a result of an accident at a nuclear power plant . Is Nuclear Power necessary ? Today many Americans adopt lifestyles that are based on energy in-efficient devices . These include large automobiles and electric appliances that require electricity from energy-intense industrial processes . The public is doing all it can to force nuclear power plants

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ecology: Petroleum and Caspian Sea

People from ancient times has an impact on the environment. As a result, this versatile centuries of human activity has left a deep mark on modern soil and vegetation, air and drinking (water) environment and wildlife. Man depletes non-renewable natural resources and threatens the production of those items that could be renewed. It changes the nature of the environment, upon which his physical and mental existence as biological and social phenomenon. Environmental pollution is becoming more acute, alarming. Barbarous, destructive attitude of the central departments of natural resources of Kazakhstan led 70-90. To the environmental crisis in the country, take in some regions of the catastrophic nature. One of the toughest environmental problems is the radioactive contamination of the territory of Kazakhstan. Nuclear tests conducted since 1949 at the Semipalatinsk test site resulted in contamination of vast territories in central and eastern Kazakhstan. The country has had five landfills, where nuclear tests were conducted in the vicinity of its borders is a Chinese Lop Nor test site. Radiation background in Kazakhstan increased as a result of the formation of ozone holes in spacecraft launch from the Baikonur. Huge challenge for Kazakhstan of the radioactive waste. Thus, UMP Factory has amassed about 100,000 tons of waste contaminated with uranium, thorium, and waste storage facility located in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. In Kazakhstan there are only 3 repository for nuclear waste and they are all located in the aquifer. That seriousness of the problem of radioactive contamination has led to one of the first laws of sovereign Kazakhstan was the decree of 30. 08. 1991, the banning of tests at the Semipalatinsk test site. One of the most serious environmental problems of Kazakhstan became the depletion of water resources. Increased consumption of fresh water, primarily for irrigated agriculture led to salinization and depletion of natural water sources. Particularly disastrous was the shallowing of the Aral Sea due to irrational use of water Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The sea level dropped by 13 meters, who uncovered the seabed turned into a salt desert. The annual dust storms spread the salt on the vast territory of Eurasia. The decrease mirrors the sea has led to a change in wind direction and climatic characteristics of the region. A similar situation exists in Lake Balkhash, the level of which is 10-15 years fell by 2. -3 meters. At the same time, the rise of the Caspian Sea, caused by ill-conceived decision stripping the Gulf of Kara-Bogazgol. Already flooded huge areas of coastal grazing areas and promising oil-bearing areas. Zyryanovsk lead and Leninogorsk polymetallic complexes have led to contamination of the Irtysh. Alarming environmental situation prevailing in the valley of the rivers Ili and the Urals. In the critical condition of the land resources of Kazakhstan, depleted fertile arable land, pasture becomes desert. Remains a serious problem of air pollution, especially in large industrial centers. National priority in the â€Å"Strategy 2030† RK include: environmental safety, rational use of natural resources, environmental well-being of citizens and some of the problems of social ecology. Reaction to the first environmental crises and catastrophes was expressed in the â€Å"Environment Act† of 1997. The problem of ecology and conservation – is rational and planned use of natural resources, protect the environment from pollution is a planned system of state control, international and public events aimed at the rational use, protection and restoration of natural resources, the satisfaction of material and cultural needs of future generations. National environmental issues Zones of ecological disaster in the Republic of Kazakhstan to continue to be the Aral Sea and Semipalatinsk regions, where there have been destroying the natural ecological systems, degradation of flora and fauna, due to unfavorable environmental conditions caused substantial harm to public health. Currently, the regions adjacent to the former Semipalatinsk test site (85 settlements with a population of almost 72 thousand people), there is a high level of cancer incidence and mortality, cardiovascular diseases, congenital malformations among newborns and the effects of premature aging. In the Aral Sea ecological disaster zone (178 settlements with a population of 186 thousand people) has a high level of gastrointestinal diseases and anemia, especially among women and children, infant mortality and birth defects. Depletion and pollution of water resources, and TZ problems associated with intensive development of resources of the Caspian Sea. Kazakhstan belongs to the category of countries with a large deficit of water resources. Currently, water bodies are polluted heavily in mining, metallurgical and chemical industries, utilities and cities represent a real environmental threat. Of the rivers of southern Kazakhstan the most polluted Badam and Talas. In Badam discharged wastewater Shymkent Oil-GIRO industrial complex in Talas – waste water of sugar and alcohol plants. Near Taraz sewage plant primary processing of wool, leather and shoe factory and other enterprises polluted Talas – Assinskoe field of groundwater, which is the only source of water supply the city of Taraz. Continuing pollution channel Talas-Asse and surrounding areas from sewage Taraz phosphorus plant. Wastewater Karaganda synthetic rubber plant, mercury-containing contaminated river Nura and Nurinskoe reservoir. Mercury-contaminated stream, and the Nura River, used for water supply and livestock watering. Water pollution has reached such proportions that in the basins of several rivers breached natural biological and hydro chemical regimes. Severe pollution are Syr Darya, Lake Balkhash, etc. The main pollutants of water sources are ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, petroleum and chemical industries, waste water which significantly increases the water content of harmful substances. Transboundary environmental problems pose a real external threat to the ecological security of the country, a decision which is provided with modern actions of neighboring states in the framework of international treaties. In early 2003, Kazakhstan joined the Bazilskoy Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their disposal, which allowed to establish new customs regulations on the declaration of hazardous wastes and prevent their subsequent flow into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the guise of recycled materials and products.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Unforgettable childhood events Essay

I have some bad while some good incident or occasions, which are never forgettable for me. For example, my circumstance after completing middle school graduation, which was good in one-way of thinking; however, it is bad in my way of thinking. Every person or family or country has some unforgettable occasion or events. For instance, America had the 9/11 incident, which is considered bad for USA. I was an average student when I was in Middle school and had so many dreams to fulfill after graduations such as to go for vacations, making fun with friends, etc., but there was someone who wanted to prove himself that he was enemy of my happiness. As I completed my middle school with good grades along with the age of 14, my dad came to me and said â€Å"I have a big surprise for you.† He said he got something, which would be helpful for me, along with studying in the High school. First of all, I became happy by thinking that he brought a new bike for me. However, that happiness was with me until he said what the surprise was. As soon as he told me about his surprise, I was really shocked and was not happy anymore, because he wanted me to help him in his business, which is a small printing press. I thought that I would make fun with my friends and enjoy my life fully when I completed my middle school and would go to the High school to get a higher education. I did not understand why he was trying to snatch my freedom, as I was expecting a good gift from him. I was not happy with my dad after knowing his intension for me. The reason for my unhappiness is that I did not go anywhere during my school days and did not know anything outside my county. I did not even visit out of state for enjoying vacation or for fun. Sometimes some theory or thinking has negative approach or has positive approach according to ones understanding. The same thing happened in my case. He was right according to his point of view. He was thinking about my future. He did not want me to just study, but he did like to introduce me to the outside economy and how to deal with people, which can only be learned by personal experience at a job place. After he told me why he was telling me to do a job, I realized that he was right. I also realized that he loves me a lot and takes care of me. He wanted me to get a good education with part time activities in the press company with him. Every parents feel proud depending on the success of their son/daughter. My dad loves me very much and also takes care of me. He always looks forward in bringing me up. He usually tells me about different good opportunities and also encourages me to join. If I do well in my study or any other matter, my dad feels that he himself gets success. He looks at his achievements by my achievements. He does not want to see his own head get down because of me. Every father has a dream that his son or daughter does well in every stage of life and gets much success. Even though my father did not do well during his young study age, he expects his children to do better than himself in the studies or job or any other position. If someone is a doctor or a pharmacist or at a high position in society then his/her parents feel proud by exposing his/her intelligence or his/her success in life. While on the other hand, sometimes parents might feel shame in front of others just because of their children. So, if I do something good, which people appreciate, my dad becomes happy and says â€Å"I am proud of you.† My dad want to me be a good educated man in society first, then I am free to enjoy anything. Therefore as soon as I completed my middle school, my dad told me to work with him, which I can say is a bad incident or occasion for me. However, when I understand that there is a big fact behind that, it would not be any bad incident or news for me. My dad explained me very politely that once I would be a good educated person in a society, then I would have a much time to enjoy life and do what ever I want, which I could not able to do during my school days. Thus because of only this circumstances, I can present my self as an independent person in society. That was considered almost a good change in my life. There are so many people who have either good occasion or bad one, but for me it has a dual nature depending on the way of thinking.